Our director, Claire Gray, gives a round up of what was another fabulous year for Bain and Gray.

As 2022 draws to a close in the coldest weather I have known, after one of the hottest years on record, it feels a very topsy turvy world at the moment!

Our team are certainly all ready for a well-earned rest after an incredibly busy year. Christmas is the one time we can all completely switch off as our office is closed from 23rd December until 3rd January 2023 and all emails and phones can be put down.

Reflecting back on the year it started with a continuation of an incredibly busy market which continued on through to the Spring and Summer, our clients seemed to be busier than ever, as the post pandemic world came back to it’s new normal. We were so grateful to be back together as a team and we welcomed back Camilla from maternity leave in the Spring after the birth of her second child, followed by Daisy and later in the year Alice, both having enjoyed becoming first time mothers. We said goodbye to Charlotte Pengilly who went off on far flung travels that were held back during covid and we welcomed Bella as our new Resourcer to the Permanent team, who we now couldn’t manage without. We also had Mariel our office manager back from her ski season before she went off to study physiotherapy in September and have had superb cover from Meadhbh who is now passing the baton to Livvy Bushell for 2023. The temp team had a short time with Georgie who soon discovered that events was actually better for her, and we wished her well for her next career step. We said goodbye to one of our dearly loved senior consultants, Rebecca Lang, and wish her well on her new career path.

Later in the year we hired new team members to join our promoted and fully trained up Managing Consultants. Julia joined Victoria’s team, Charlotte joined Jessie’s team and Lottie is soon to join Imogen’s team. The second half of the year also brought Cressida Luxton who joined us to work on a new and exciting project to be launched in early 2023 – stay tuned! So certainly not standing still and some exciting times ahead for us all.

We had a wonderful overnight stay at Soho Farmhouse for our year end in October, and whilst it was a real treat, and so relaxing not to mention full of laughter and fun, it was just lovely to see how close everyone has become and what a fantastic team Bain and Gray are. I feel very proud of each and every one and their part in its success.

So all in all a year of change, and a year of growth and development for us all. I end the year feeling delighted with our achievements and looking forward to a time of rest and reflection, and family; before 2023 and the next Bain and Gray chapter